I’ve been delving into Makehuman recently, and I’ve found a selection of plugins that gives it way more functionality, giving you a good IK-FK rig, good facial controls, and the ability to import mocap files.
But 3 of the addons…
I guess this page is not so bad: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/wiki/Documentation:Getting_and_installing_BlenderTools 1
but once you download this file, you have to unzip it, then re-zip each of the 3 folders for the 3 addons, and THEN install them into Blender. I could just host these myself, and they could be individually zipped, ready to install.
But that would feel a little like taking the credit for someone else’s work.
I mean, I’d make it clear that these are not by me, but by the Makehuman team. (this is the credits I can find)
Any advice?