The Experiment

I wanted to test the Blender skinshader in Cycles and this is what came out. I’m very impressed with the usability and its speed. It was a lot of fun to create this little Experiment :slight_smile: My goal was to create a very abstract character but still give him some emotions and a soul.


This is absolutely horrible. The more I look at it, the more I hate—and pity it.

Great artwork!


Good job! It looks like something that would appear in a Clive Barker’s film. :grin:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thanks everyone and thank you bartv for the feature! :slight_smile:

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I saw it on other platform yesterday , its prefect

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Nice… but how I can unsee it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I dare you to rig the eye and finger :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: it’s so funny, especially love “the pinned nail idea” - we got him!

Would love to se a little break down of the making process.

Reminds me a little of Uma from The Witcher 3.

Very disturbing, but well executed!

You definitely nailed it!
Cool artwork!

I knew I shouldn’t click; now it will undoubtedly feature in my next nightmare. But I had to so I could say “fantastic work”.

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Amazing shaders and details! very disgusting i love it!

The eye of the beholder ! fantastic work !