I’ve been playing with Blender for the last couple of months now on and off, and I figured that if I want to improve myself I have to set some actual goals for myself. So I dug up some old artwork for a short film and decided to make this my first project.
This is the artwork. After doing some on-line searching I found this orphan girl from Despicable Me that more or less has the same face shape as my girl.
I’ve been looking a lot at topology examples, but most of them result in much more ‘pouty’ girl faces than the Despicable Me girl (and what I want for my girl)
This is what I’ve managed to get after a couple of nights of working on her. I can’t seem to find the right flow to make her as ‘round’ as the artwork or the Despicable Me girl.
Any advice on what I am overlooking or what I can do to improve will be greatly appreciated.
not the best person to say since i do very little modeling. however it seems to me the head looks alien not little girl. If i were you id go to blendswap and download a similar model for reference.
I’m still trying to figure out the best workflow, but what I try to do istrying sculpting to get the basic shape. The best start you can get is by getting frontal or side views, but sometimes this is impossible. What I do sometimes is load a plane and orientate the camera around the plane till it matches a reference picture. Then it’s about observations and comparing what you have with your reference. For instance, I look at the reference and I see the mouth is as wide as the eyes, but the model’s mouth is about 1/3 the size I also notice that the expression on her face doesn’t affect the area around her nose which makes be think that a loop cut goes under the nose instead of around it. The area beneath her eyes is about 2 times the height of her eyes. The sides of her head are actually pretty flat and only start curving towards the chin when at the level of her mouth. It’s all about making small observations and educated geuses.
@macktruck6666 You’re definitely right about the mouth width. This was intentional, because I was trying for a ‘neutral’ mouth shape during the modeling phase, since I want her to be able to smile, shout, doubt etc. I figured that starting from a smile shape wasn’t the best way to go.
I also notice that the expression on her face doesn’t affect the area around her nose which makes be think that a loop cut goes under the nose instead of around it.
I am not sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?
The sides of her head are actually pretty flat and only start curving towards the chin when at the level of her mouth.
So, do you mean the whole face should be rounder? Like I said, I like the example for the Despicable Me girl, but I have no idea what the form of her head actually is.
Start with a cube, in edit mode move it out of its own center, apply X mirror modifier, subdivide 3 times, smoothe it, and in edit mode shape one half oft the face, move both halves together, enable clipping in x mirror, so merge the 2 half parts.
Aply mirror. Ad new eye objetc; using snap set cursor to your first cube/ add spehere for eye; sphere snap to cursor; in edit mode move sphere over x axis out of its own center, in object mode aply a mirror to it voila 2 eyes. in edit mode move sphere eyes who have a similair origin now as the first cube so your eye momenvent is mirrored too.
once eyes are in position, its time to edit the face better, you do this by aply a multires modifier to it in whichin you 3 times subdivide, then go to sculpt mode, make sure X mirror in sculptmode is on, and start sculpting the shape.
Add multires modi
@Razorblade Thank you for these tips. I’m pretty sure it will help me to sculpt out the shape. I am still not sure how to convert that triangle based sculpt to nice clean topology though. For some reason I can’t get my head around what goes where. I’m slowly figuring it out, but I found out I have no natural talent for spotting edge flows.
@cgstrive thank you for these two images. Especially the right one feels like a topology I’d like to strive for.