Which apples are the finest? Golden ones? For ages the gold has been the most valuable metal, but the times have changed. Now, there are some better - Platinum apples.
Loosely based on a Greek myth about Twelve Labours of Hercules.
Which apples are the finest? Golden ones? For ages the gold has been the most valuable metal, but the times have changed. Now, there are some better - Platinum apples.
Loosely based on a Greek myth about Twelve Labours of Hercules.
nice work there
looking pretty good mate!
what type of a lighting do you use there?
like it!!!
Great image. Love the dragons. Great shader there.
Cool stuff, I like the concept - the mechanical look of the apples caught me, actually! And these dragons are, despite their tiny appereance, a very nice addition! Their material is especially well done, very fascinating.
Looks like a pretty nice image, good job.
Though I had to stare at the Dragons longer then the rest of the scene.
Thanks for replies.
The lightning used is simple: AO to enhance contrast between the stones, one sun lamp as the main light source and one hemi opposite to the sun to provide a slight bluish ambience, which is almost cannot be noticed. There is one negative lamp in the leaves and the dragon has it own red light soures.
The dragon shader is almost fully transparent and has added a color ramp on it.
I’ll post some screens tommorow.
If you are curious about the material here it is, as well as lightning setup.
Nothing special…
Very Very pretty! I must say that I absolutely love the dragon material. Also, how did you come about creating the leaves on the tree?
Very nice work though!
5 stars!
Great image! Thanks for sharing of the material settings! Five stars from me!