The finished Glewisguy works

Hey guys, since I seem to derail my threads a lot with pointless models I made while avoiding finishing projects, I thought I’d make a thread for the simple models I make :stuck_out_tongue:

So here are a few models to start you off

Sorry for having to do multiple posts but there is a 3 file limit in posts

this will be my last multi post

My most recent project, the dragon protruding from a cloud!


That be some nice work my main man! I really like the clouds… and my AVI in post 3 pic 2! XD

KITTZEH, I see choo watching my post! Thank for the compliments :slight_smile: Of course the vault door has your AVI on it, it was for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Those clouds on the third picture looks amazing. Did you use smoke from blender 2.5 or something else?

I added a cube with a subsurf of level 4, then it was just a matter of adding displacement modifiers and more subsurfs, I followed a tutorial from and then manipulated it to get my own cloud looks, changed the strengths of different settings, modelled it differently… stuff like that