The four features that Blender urgently needs!

1.I agree that MeshFusion/Bevel update would be a big attraction.

While developers have noted limited time, still it would be nice if these ideas are brought to their attention here:

I tried to mention more forgiving Bevel after Boolean == Meshfusion, HardMesh like workflow. However seems I am the only one requesting this although interest is very high for such a feature in CG community. So much so people are turning to Fusion360 for it’s beautiful fillets (although sacrificing speed and functionality in other areas).

2.Regarding remeshing. I think OpenVDB integrated to Remesher modifier would be an amazing feature. OpenVDB remesh
This is also a good solution (for other purposes):

3.Curvature can be derived with Bevel Node (subtracting Normals from Bevel node normals):

However what’s really missing is AO node to be used in texture masks ( dirt, limit curvature etc) to replace Pointiness that is topology dependent and unreliable.