So, here is my latest project I’ve been working on. Feel free to C&C, thanks.
Looks pretty solid to me. My wife has the analogue version and likes it a lot.
love the details micro-usb especially, considering its size in comparison to the size of the whole device. That caption on the back size is a texture, right?
Thanks Gavlig. Yep, the captions on the backside of the device are textures. I will post some more renders of the device here in a bit.
I am a massive computer geek, and i am very, VERY impressed just with the micro usb port you modeled. this is a great model, and with the right texturing will be a great render too. good work
An animation using proportional edit with O and a central origin for your 3d cursor, scale or move it apart and back together? have the screws and snaps animated? noises?
9.5/10 for modeling and texturing
can you use a plane sub-dived correctly to emit HD light realisticaly like a screen in an environment? if so…
I don’t know why but I kind of would like to see it floating out in space… re-entry?
“Were in space!!”,“Space!”,-Precognitive robot orb portal 2 end
BluePrintRandom, no offense, but what are you talking about?
to do a small animation, you can have all of the pieces move apart, or start that way, and come together, and build the tablet, and then have it flicker on,
Oh sorry, I get what you mean now. That’s not a bad idea.
its cool, I sound insane to me sometimes as well…