The pose feels unnatural. The torso and legs are completely straightened out when they should have some looseness to it to prevent it from looking stiff. The neck is way too thick and long, which draws a lot of attention to it immediately (it was one of the first things I noticed from a quick glance). The face lacks expression as well as falling under the previously mentioned problem of being too stiff. Anatomically, the legs are too short in comparison to the rest of the body and the torso feels too long. Hiding her right arm behind her body makes it looks like she doesn’t have a right arm. The positioning of the left arm, while visible, isn’t much better as it isn’t quite clear what angle and which direction her arm is bending at.
hello , and thx for the replay, well its not suppose to be a realistic character, thou I understand what u mean and I did redo alot of the anatomy of the char, thou the little to big head etc is something I wanna keep.
anyways, here is a little update for u that want to know… : ) cheers ( yes the eyebrowns are not taken cared of yet )
I know realism wasn’t your goal, but stylized characters still have to follow anatomical rules (albeit with slightly more flexibility). Just because the character is nonphotorealistic (NPR for short), doesn’t mean that it is a free pass to ignore real life anatomy. If anything, cartoonish characters are even harder to design due to requiring a familiarity with realistic anatomy, knowledge of exaggerated cartoonish anatomy, and where to bend and break the rules of both of them to achieve a desirable result. You have to know where and what rules apply and what kind of effect they have on a character’s appearance before you can change things around.
Some other criticisms I have is that the hair is too “neat” as it falls down the side of her hair completely parallel to the other hair strands, and that her eyes are too high on her face. The halfway mark is about where they should be. You certainly improved on posing and even more on the lighting and materials, so keep up the good work.
I suppose it may be a little odd. The design resembles a cross between those 1960’s action show marionettes (think Thunderbirds) and current Bratz or Barbie dolls. So it is a little weird. But I’d say to roll with it and make it your own, provided you can rig it for more expression. Right now they’re still somewhat neutral and blank, so maybe that’s what’s off-putting about it.
Unique style isn’t the worst, just need to give characters more life. :eyebrowlift2:
Hey Pauljs, thx for the input ,and yes some expressions will help alot, thou I did make som changes. I redid the hands, i made they eyes a little smaller ( not much but it think its noticeble )
I also fixed the hair so she isent baled in the back of her head : ) and some other minor changes.
anyways here it is plz bomb away with the comments, cheers