The Horn

i made this model long ago.
at the time,
i modeled the music sheet,
then used a music notation font to write the music in 3d.
then to defeat this:spin:, turn off spec on the font. lol.
the texture on the original horn was very bland.
the original render is used as the background.


Reflections on the horn give me little bit of headache :-).

Nice reflection. You must have put some more horns in the scene which are not showing in the scene but in the reflection they are shwoing. Nice Inspring work.

JiriH, sorry, close your eyes then. there’s more.

kkrawal, thank you very much.:slight_smile:
The reflections are entirely generated from the world texture. (with 1 horn)

another view.

If you want less horns to appear on the reflection,Increase Depth parameter to reduce

Could you recommend any tutorials that explain how to use the world texture? Seems like a neat trick.