The ideal game experience- research study

Dear all:

First a little background:
I am a student of communication design at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the University of Porto, Portugal. I am conducting a work regarding a marketing campaing for a new gaming console.
I am performing a small research to understand what kind of experiences attract game users.

I would sincerely appreaciate all contributions in answering the following question:

“How would your ideal game experience be like?Please describe it.”

Thank you for your collaboration

With my best regards,
José Raimundo

Finding something I did not expect,

Multi-player games with teamwork,

more possibilities.

My ideal game? Fallout+battlefield 4 with multi-player without lag.

What about a helmet that beams sensory information into your brain while you trigger movement with brainwaves?

It’d pretty much be like The Matrix, only you wouldn’t have to be in the form of a human (though you might need a way to prevent people from completely losing their grip on reality after they exit the game and while they’re playing).

Forget the Kinect, this would actually bring you inside the game (unlike the current technology where you look at screens).

Deus Ex with better graphics and coop integrated into the story. So basically a narrative-story-driven fps game with an emphasis on subtle choice, exploration, and with a side of philosophy and globetrotting conspiracy theories.