The invasion of Earth (FreeSpace)

The invasion of Earth

My rendition of what it might have looked like when the Shivans are about to destroy earth. BTW I’ve never seen the movie 'cuz I never lost. In case of copyright stuff or whatever. I got the earth textures at this site http:// .

it’s a bit dark (can’t see anything really) … there is also some textureproblems on the very right…


You sure your monitor contrast is right? I can see it fine. Its just the fighters you can’t really see 'cuz their so tiny.

I don’t know … I’m having a hard time seeing it also.

I can see it just fine. Are you not able to see the fighters? The whole scene is about 150 blender squares. I am working on a new version of this I got a semi-bad review at another forum. All the models are from this thread ( The ships are taken directly from the game. So any texture problems are in the game to.