The Jedi

Got the idea of making a light sabre, then went on making a Jedi for the sabre. It’s my first character that I’ve made and rigged just have to get a robe on him, but can’t figure out how :D. Anyone got any ideas on how to improve it?

you could try using the cloth simulator. it’s very tricky to get right, but it gets nice results.

just wondering how did you make the lightsaber

Thanks for replying

Ok, how would my “basemesh” look like, just a big plane ‘molded’ loosely around the character?

Just a shadeless white stick that i blurred and multiplied with the color I wanted, to top it off i added the original unblurred white version to get that white center and blue blur. Here’s a tutorial Didn’t use it, but have done quite a while ago. :slight_smile:

your robe mesh would look pretty much like a regular robe. it would need to be fairly dense, poly-wise, and you would place it on the character, so that while in place, it would sit just outside of the jedi object. it would help to have the arms extended out to the sides while doing this. then you just activate the cloth sim, and let the robe ‘float’ into place over a few frames.

ok, will try that later, probably tomorrow since it’s getting late. Posting updates soon.

They are good considering it’s your first character and rigged model.
I like the floating Head and it has a solid structure.

Great job dude.