Hello everyone, I want to bring an issue to the table that I’ve been mulling over for a week or two now. The lack of good tutorials out there.
Now I just started with blender about a month and a half ago. Of course that means I’ve been actively searching out any and every tutorial on everything. And…I’ve rather hit a wall.
Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of great tutorials out there. Great about one tiny specific area. Andrew Price’s tutorials for example, top of the line. You can’t get a better tutorial. But they have no structure. He doesn’t tell you which one to watch next or where to start. The problem is, there are virtually no tutorials out there that have a structure. CG Cookie for example does have a starter tutorial. It’s only 6 videos long, and then dumps you on a website with 500 other tutorials.
I really was hoping to find a tutorial to guide me a long way through before releasing me on my own. Once I understand the basics of blender, I want to know where to go next. Do I try water physics? More modeling? Particles? Materials? Textures?
When I watch a tutorial I have no idea if it will be my level, be for a noob, or be for a professional.
I need a list that tells me what to try next. What will be easiest. Once I knew how to use hotkeys and the interface, tutorials dumped me into a land with so many options I don’t know what to do next.
I really feel there needs to be a better tutorial system that guides you along a lot more. It will start with the basics, like the UI, hotkeys, simple modeling, moving meshes around, and ect. And then slowly guide you into what area is best to try next. Be it water physics, materials, or particles. It should be flexible enough based on your rough interests. Do you want to focus on Modeling or Animation? Then roughly guide you into areas best for you to do next.
Right now I’m just running in a circle biting my tail. I go to a tutorial website and just wander around. I don’t know what area to really do next. I can’t build upon my current skills because I don’t know what to learn next. It will be water one day, particles the next, and materials the day after.
I want to improve my modeling, but should I learn water physics first? It seems important. But before I learn water I have to learn materials or else my water will look bad. But wait, I can’t learn materials without learning how to better use Meshes or Cycles. And I really can’t use meshes until I can model better. But what should I learn first?
I really need help with this issue.
Thanks for reading.