-Variation in brick color
-curb texture upgrade
-greatly reduced wash out
-darker sky and better clouds
-more pronounced lighting from lamps
-New bark texture
-roof, marble texture changes
-slight upgrade on the grass
I could just sit down and tweak it more and more but then there would be the chance it would never get done:rolleyes:
Then there’s another image I’m willing to consider complete, but when I was about to upload it I thought, needs better atmospheric lighting.
I tried to remember the crits when I redid certain parts of this.
Looks a lot better. The sky still looks weird, though
The leaves / petals still look strange, and I don’t know what’s going on with the green lighting at the bottom. And why do only those two windows in the middle have a texture?
The windows do not have a texture, so I don’t know why they appear to have a texture. And I did do a small upgrade to the leaves.
I also think the clouds in this image look a bit better then the blurry blobs in the earlier version. I used stacked planes, works pretty well and I didn’t use the X and Y axis so no blurring required.
blend you shouldnt insult CD he is working hard to go to newer and better things
im sure hed like it if every model of his DIDNT spark a flame war about art…
wert613 you’re right, CD, nice model, I personally cant tell a lot of updates but it is a nice image. And an improvement from previous works. Just for my lack of kindness and the fact that you try hard to get here, I am voting 5 stars.
Theres something about the soft lighting that I actually find very appealing. I don’t think this image is worth 4 stars at all, but if were voting in terms of improvement over older images, then yes, you deserve some applause.
Good image, and again, I really like what you’ve done with the lighting, and your new ethos.
It’s good that you’re showing a lot of improvement in your work lately and i applaud your drive. I need to work on my own.
I didn’t get into 3D until recently, spending most of my time trying to be a better 2D artist. I may be wrong, but in my experience with drawing, painting and other ‘traditional’ forms of art there are things that are the same in all forms of art. I don’t know how well they translate to 3D, but here are a few of them:
One technique will inform another. The more different types of forms of art you practice, the better you will get at all of them. Better drawing skills = better painting skills = better sculpting skills = better drawing skills. I assume this would also mean better modeling skills and animation skills.
The only difference between a sketch and a finished piece is time. Sketches are meant to be studies, though they are often interesting and beautiful in their own way. Most artists will do dozens of sketches in preparation for one finished work. This applies to pretty much all mediums.
The process of drawing is a process of learning. You never stop learning no matter how good you get. One of Da Vinci’s most famous drawings, “Vitruvian Man” was a study of proportion. At the time that he drew that he was already a master of human anatomy, but he drew it anyway in an effort to learn even more.
The point i guess i’m trying to make is that it’s not really about how many or how fast you can create something, but how much you learn, how much you can improve and how you can apply that to future projects. You are improving greatly. It’s pretty obvious to me and i’m sure to many other people here. The critisism you get is less really about these pieces and more, i think, that you are focusing too much on speed and trying to achieve fantastic results in such a short time. Doing this can cause frustration and burn you out really fast.
I went through a period where i was trying to output as many drawings and paintings as the people i admired, but my work was no where near as fluid or dynamic, and not as polished looking as theirs. They told me to slow down and really study what it was i was drawing. Not only does it help you eventually go faster, but it give you the knowledge to translate better the ideas in your head into whatever medium you want.
Sorry if this was too long a post. I just wanna help. I dunno why there’s so much venom on these boards lately. I’d rather see people help each other. Any critisism i have is given with a desire to see someone better themselves and their art.
(by venom i was refering to the other thread for this in the WIP section. It’s been more noticable all over tho)