I’ve started making a lord of the rings game, but I need some help because I’m not very good at modelling.
I’m going to make it all three films where you go from the shire to mordor.
And I’m trying to make it as accurate as I can.
So far I’ve done a bit of the shire and helms deep.
Please could anyone help?
I cant upload the .blend for some reson, but in it i’ve made
the shire and there is aragorn,gandalf,frodo,gimli,sam,merry,legolas,elrond,elendil,a uruk-hai and two hobbit people.
doesn’t anyone like the lord of the rings?
I can’t help because im working on a game right now but…Do you have much experience making games? Lets see the characters. Are you actualy going to be able to make it from start to finish. Lets see more screen shots. Right now i just see amateur work. Don’t use cones for mountains = to high poly count, especially if its a big map. Show us some more work so people know if it’s actually worth joining.
By the way, I do like LOTR.
I did say I’m not very good at moddeling. and the characters I’ve made are really low polly so I’m making new ones.
You know you cannot do this, don’t you?
Copyrights, etc will stop you dead in your tracks.
It would never work because of copyrights, and it seems to advanced for you. Start small, make a mini game.
make a 1st person walkthrough of a castle, or something.
ok I’m stoping and helping a diferent game.