The mechanism from gears breaks

Hello. Why the mechanism from gears after game start collapses?


mechanism.blend (475 KB)

A few things you’ll need to change before you can even begin to get this type of setup working:

  1. Both gears and the pedestal they are on are concave objects but you currently have their collision bounds set to Convex Hull. You will need to set them all to Triangle Mesh.

  2. Both gears have been scaled. You will need to apply the scaling (ctrl + A -> Scale) for them to collide properly.

  3. Your motion actuator is using rotation. You will need to use Torque or Angular Velocity instead (Angular Velocity is more stable). Otherwise the collisions won’t be handled properly.

Even after all of that you will still likely run into problems. This kind of setup can be handled much better by using actions or a Python script. Not only will those be completely stable, but they’ll also be much less performance intensive since the engine won’t have to deal with complex physics objects.

EDIT: A few other things you can do to improve the setup if you’re set on using raw physics:

-Lock the X, Y, and Z translation of the driving gear and lock the X and Z translation of the other gear (I would lock Y as well, but that prevents the gear from rotating which may be a bug)
-Lock the X and Y rotation of both gears
-Increase the number of physics substeps (will increase physics usage)