Hi guys, I thought I’d introduce you to ‘The Minister of Technology Disposal’, one of my marionettes. Hope you like him. Sorry the pic is so small.
The title really suits him. He reminds me of tech teacher in college when I took robotics back in 1983. How did you make him? I would like to know all the details. He’s excellent.
i suppose I could strip him down and throw him on the scanner. He’s not very impressive under his clothes though, so I’ll throw in a better one as well. I’ll see if I have a diagram somewhere too.
You don’t have to strip him down. Sketches would be Ok. I was curious about the techniques and the materials used. He’s so lifelike.
Too late!
oops, didn’t realize he was so big, so I’ll just leave the URL
Wow, did you make the wooden rig as well?
Naturally. 8)
You’re an individual of many talents, I am amazed. I humbly bow before your presence master. 8)
I am still working on Blender. I figure once I learn Blender, it’ll be time to make a movie. I can do the live action, the voices, the soundtrack, and the production. A friend is helping me a bit with the script.
Judging by the things you can do, Blender should be a breeze. If you need help with models let me know.
Thanks man.
You know, I would maybe do a rod puppet before attempting a marionette. With a marionette, you have to worry about balance alot. If you like i’ll throw up a pic of one of those too.
You’ll be a blender master in no time. You’ll be sculpting those 3d models with your master samourai sword like they were made out of chavant le beau touche.
Thanks for the encouragement. Seeing some of the stuff people are making around here though has caused my to reacess my skill level on occasion. I will not likely ever be a true Blender Master.
Yes, some of the stuff here is quite excellent. But with time, you’ll be right up there with those guys.
Looks good modron, I didn’t know you was into wood carving as well as other forms of traditional art. Very impressive!
Also, what up with your avatar? It changes quite often
Thanks acasto. I consider my main focus to be a lack of any particular one.
very nice, i’d like to see an animation with that guy
I haven’t strung the little guy up in awhile. I think he has something like 35 strings, so it’s a pain in the (honk!).