The Minivan Contest ^_^

Some of you guys know but for those who don’t…

Bg3d luagh at me becuase I never modeled a car so I told him to stick it… and face up to a challege and the callege was who can make the best model car… he told me to pick one so I did its a minivan :slight_smile: we both have the same reference and both started at the same time… so well heres my wip so far:

as you can see I am getting suck at certain spots… not sure whatdoto like where the door meets that part of the tire… i got to many faces there and the back is going to be a pain the front is already a apin… anyone got any car modeling tips becuase this is the first time I’ve modeled one

I’ve never made a car myself, so i can’t really give any tips, but I did find a tutorial by oto a while ago that looks pretty good. It might be some help to you. It’s at .
I’d say this is looking very good for a first car. What type of minivan is it?


uh oh…

EDIT: P.S. Sutabi, doesn’t look quite like you’re modelling it the
best way (I could be wrong :smiley: ). I would give you some tips…
but you’d maybe have to start all over again, and since its a contest,
I don’t want to cheat against myself . Nonetheless, you’re still farther
than I am (honestly, I’m a little stuck too).

Its a 2002 Fiat Ulysee