The Moon Conspiracy!

The landing wasn’t quite perfect, the computer overloaded because there was too much data coming in (Thank goodness its operating system was designed by someone other than Bill Gates!), the guidence system was bringing them down in the middle of a crater forcing Armstrong to take manual control, and by the time they did find a suitable landing site there was less than 30 seconds fuel remaining. Not quite perfect.

Just about every major historical event has some kind of conspiricy theory associated with it (The ship that sank in 1912 was really the Olympic which was an insurance write off after her collision with HMS Hawke, The WTC was attacked by anyone ranging from Dubya to the state of Israel, Columbia was shot down by a SAM, etc, etc). Conspiricy theories are fairly easy to construct, require no supporting proof and appeal to the imagination. Plus con artists can make an easy buck selling books, videos, what have you. None of the core moon hoaxers don’t have some kind of product they are trying to hawk.

The only major recent historical event I can think of where there might be actual grounds to suspect a conspiricy is the murder of JFK.

Thats funny. There was something on TV I saw last year. About this military guy that was a sniper. He proved that a single guy could have shoot kennedy, if he had the appropriate training, and run down the buildning to finnish his coffee.

Just like you said.

What kind of landing would it be without Hollywood drama. The landing in the middle of the Crater is also perfect. You know why. A crater limits the cameras view of distance.

Exactly what I´m saying. Think now that they made a movie instead of actually flying to the moon.

So that you know, I´m not implicating that the moon landing didn’t happend. I´m just giving an alternative thought to the conspiricy. Just for fun. And now a smilie :smiley:

I don’t go in for all this Grassy Knoll rubbish, Oswald was the only shooter that day. But was he really just some nutjob with a rifle? Kind of difficult to believe that presidential security would be so lax as to completely overlook a building on the parade route that would provide the perfect vantage point for a sniper. And then there’s the fact that Oswald himself was assassinated before he could be questioned… Seems like there’s something going on there!

you gotta read this