quick go check it out at:
Timothy Kanters
First reply!
cool cj man…
nice of you to host it Kibbles
nice of goofster to make it!!!
I am just wondering if there realy was someone here who did not know how to use the Nor slider?
don’t remind me…it cost me 5 months to find out that Nor was bumpmapping
BTW… thanks very much to Goofster for making sure b@rt and zycho got their mentions in the CJ. That was the most sincere passing of the torch I’ve seen since Kirk rode horses with Picard… (maybe that wasn’t the greatest example… but as an old-time trekkie - perhaps that will show the reverence I place on the analogy)
Wow! There’s been this hole in my life for the past few months. It may have been NaN, it may have been lack of social life caused by exams…OR IT MAY HAVE BEEN THE LACK OF A CJ!!!
Excellent work guys - great to see it. BTW if you guys eva want an article from me, you only have to ask. Who do I talk to regarding contributing stuff to the CJ?
Cheers again guys!
…and for Goosfter…
hip… hip… hourrah
hip… hip… hourrah
hip… hip… hourrah…hourrah…hourrah
(Without ph)