I’m new to this whole business, been around pooters for the last 8 or so years and only now, well, stumbled across the 3D design world. Allways been keen on good graphics and sound, now it’s time to start doing my own.
Please be patient as alot of perhaps stupid questions might be asked from here. (See da Sig)
I’m just the kid down the road that’s eventualy starting to grow up and wanting to get somewhere in life!
Abilities. Anything’s possable.
Time. Hey, got to have the day job to live, right!?!
Cash. Problem at the moment so YEAH for opensource!
Spelling. English just aint the home language OK.
Anything else. God will provide to his children.
I’m ThePatrickP, also haven’t been here long. at least, on this forum. Native languish: Dutch (GMT+1). Blender’s native languish. I hope you have I good time. you can PM me for question always. I hope I can anwser LOL. Golden advice: Follow tutes first www.blender3d.org/cms/Tutorials.243.0.html or on my site see sig.
One little thing though before you go off and learn exciting things: don’t spam or I’ll beat your sorry arse.
Some things to think about once you become serious: this is art. Everytime you make something it’s art in the making. In any 3d program it’s going to take a while to learn, it won’t happen over night. Blender is like any other app and will require a lot of patience. The interface is the most offsetting piece in blender, and often scares people away. The buttons aren’t self-descriptive making it almost impossible to experiment very much. I suggest getting the blender manual to start out with. You’ll find a link to it at www.blender3d.org.
After you’ve learned how to model (making the objects in your scenes) the next thing is lighting and texturing. Lighting adds lights to your scene, fancy little things that have a lot of power. Texturing is adding matierals to your models to make them look nice. Digital lighting and rendering is a great book that teaches the basics to the advanced things in making decent looking scenes.
Have fun and don’t get discouraged, it’s easy but you’ll get the hang of it.