The Next-Gen Technology

no they aren’t macs. i want a blend of recent and old items in the room.

i really really need more comments, because i am seriously running out of ideas fast.

how do you move this topic to the focused critique?

Ok, ideas. Basicly, the modelling is all good, but, IMHO, the texturing needs a lot of work. For starters, you need to decrease specular A LOT. Have you ever seen a building with that much specular on the walls? No. Especially on the floor.

Attached is a quick metal texture I made. IMHO, it is much more realistic. You can use it if you want, the settings are attached also. To continue with the texturing, you could attach a brushed metal texture perhaps, or some scrapes and dents as bump/colour maps.

Next, modelling. I have never seen a room with so few wires in it- this could add to the interest of the scene, and make it look a bit less perfect (ie more realistic). The light sources need work, there are too few and possibly overpowered. In this environment I would expect strip lights on the ceiling.

Finally, shadows perhaps- things look like they arent touching the ground. You could try ambient occlusion for soft shadows.

He asks if they are macs (i think) because there are no tower boxes or keyboards.

Chairs on the left are facing the wall??

Finally, well done on the bookshelf! It looks just like the one in the room opposite me :wink:


thanks for that very informative reply!

yeah so firstly the specular doesn’t help at all. so i have decided to try out putting a carpet using that blender tutorial on the blender materials in the blender website. but the link is broken. any help?

secondly, yes thank you for the metal settings but i didnt see a texture.

thirdly, yeah i have added some nice wires, but i will not post up the latest render as i want to tweak the lighting a bit (i have tried putting a normal standard lamp but it doesn’t look good, so im playing around with flames for candles)

fourthly, the shadows. the table doesn’t give any shadow no matter what i do to it now. :frowning: i wonder why it worked on my first show.

fifth, ive added some computers. and there are some wires connecting the computer to the monitor.

sixth, yea they are facing the wall. but while repositioning the whole room i deleted that desk and moved them to the computer space.

keep the comments comming for more spectacular updates!


human completely rigged, i made him walk and stuff:

new lighting. thank you model repository:

made this plane for fun. but it is going to be included. lol i started with one vertice and just kept on extruding and making faces. :

used the houses from the repository to create a street scene:

please comment.

Ok, here are my opinions about your pictures :slight_smile: . I can’t tell you how I would model any of this because I’m a noob at Blender but I’m great at critiquing.

The Human: The model is great. The posing is very well done and really portrays to us that he is running.

The Plane: I like the plane. May be a bit too curvy though and the wheel on the front needs a little work.

The Lab: Amazing. You really improved the lighting and textures. The modelling is very well done too. The flares look a little weird IMO though.

The street: The houses are good but I think that the street texture needs to be done over, the yellow seperator lines are really thick and the asphalt doesn’t look, well, like asphalt. And maybe make the sidewalk in segments like it is in RL, with the cracks and everything. (That car model in the back is very good, too. I really like it)

This is truly amazing. To see a person working so intensively on a project is a rare thing.

Your human character reminds me a bit off vin diesel, one of my favorit actors.

Looking forward to see the progress.

Very good pictures, o men, “ahtung” 100%
More good work.

I think you shoud turn on ambient occlusion. If you want it to lok dark and erie you can always turn the emitt value down. Click use distances to get good shadows. In the setting I use both instead of the default add.
Your character looks really cool. Also you need better texxture on the steps in your outside scene.

i have been animating loads on this, but ive been using the models i showed you before. so i cant really post model pictures.

but i HAVE started on a female model.

thats what it was like:

then i added some hair, to make it better. and changed the skin colour to hide hair errors:

Very nice man, and about that 3 laws thing…they can be broken…if you’v ever watched iROBOT you’ll know :wink:

(the robot had am additional brain so it could chose whether to use the laws or not)


i changed the plot a little so the robot doesn’t like have any rules or much. but the robot still plays an important role, i think ill rig the robot soon. :wink:

bumpy bump

long time i have not touched Elysiun, and havn’t touched Blender much cos I was working on my website ( - haha this is really shameful advertising im putting it in a post) and on some 2d animations whatever.

so lately ive been animating it…then after some time i realized that it looked a little stupid, and itll be amazingly STUPID because i dont know how to bloody lipsync MH Characters. and i also realised that the size (width and height) would make the size of the animation (as in kb, bytes etc) too big, and the quality have to be decreased a lot to make it look good.

so i started practicing a little, changed the size to 250x200 (w x h) and completely restarted animation, and it looks much better now. basically, ive been doing a lot of sound syncing for the animation, and everything blends to gether now.

Ive decided on a final story now so don’t go giving me cheesy plots.
Im using flash for the exporting because then .swf can be viewed internationally online, and it can change the size of the avi (or whatever yo uexport to using blender) to 10% of its original size. atm ive done about 35-40 seconds of animation and its only about 700kb so once i hit 1 mb, ill go upload a preview for you guys.

ah yeah go comment whatever. when i see some comments then ill go post some new update.

you evil people. now i have to have a triple post because you guys dont comment. well anyway this is a WIP so i have every right.

i just looked back at the droid and i realized how bad it looked. so i took away some stuff, redesigned it and whatever. i couldve gotten a better effect but unfortuantely i didnt’ have YAFRAY installed on my comp. here it is:

havn’t worked on this on a while so yeah. animation done 40 seconds long.