Great idea to use cartoon shading for it. I like it. The clothes on the first pics look like japanese or something other in asian style. Is it going to be a japanese animation or pic? Maybe Anime/Manga style…
The hands will be defined as I model more of the model as well as colors. I’ve also notice I need to add some fix-ups to the face (detials like wrikles, fixes in the ears and side veiw of the mouth)
-nice, toon shade is waaay too bright
-Great idea to use cartoon shading for it. I like it. The clothes on the first pics look like japanese or something other in asian style. Is it going to be a japanese animation or pic? Maybe Anime/Manga style…
The my art is no longered influenced by asian arts… although thats where I began getting ideas from… I’ve rather develope my own sense of style in scketching (meaning I look @ a white paper and think of things, I blame this on Blengine)… Now wether it looks like anime or not is up to you to decide…
This is really a question post then an update… I really never modeled a hand before… well I’ve done lowpoly but that wasn’t all that well (minus peater as well) Does anyone have any tips? Because I am just making poly and they are magicaly fiting into a quad rather then a triangle but now I am stuck… tips!? -_-
That is one nice looking character you’ve got going on there. Exaggerated proportions, but good sense of balance. I agree with you about the anime-manga thing. No matter how big a fan one may be…if the artist isn’t from that culture, my tendency is think: “Why? Come up with something of your own.” That said, there is a big difference between showing your influences, and setting out to slavishly copy something. If anything, the huge forearms on your model are reminding me of certain creatures in a Final Fantasy IX artbook I’ve got. Even so, he’s different enough that I wouldn’t say that you’re copying that, or had ever even seen it. Looking forward to the clothed and textured version.