am I remembering incorrectly or did Blender have a secondary “Scale” setting so that you could render a scale larger than the actual geometry? A Plane of 2x2 but thusly ‘scaled’ to 5 would render 5x5 - handy for those groundwork isometric interiors and little cozy models where you need the ground to be anonymous and run off into the distance.
I’m doubting myself and wonder if that might have been another software that I don’t use anymore!
Delta transforms, are usually more useful for adding transforms on top of the normal transforms, for example if you have keyframed loads of transforms and then want to add another on top for animation without changing all the keyframes.
I could be misunderstanding the question but I thought they wanted to render an object at a larger scale than in viewport.
But if you use a delta scale largen then one… it is larger than… oh wait… something like a “Scale” modifier; disabled in viewport but enabled in render… ?? ( Why ???)