I was supposed to make a scale model of the ark for school. I got to use the new sapling and ivy-gen addons. They’re pretty awesome.
I could have spent more time on modeling, but I had a limited time.
The link: http://www.mediafire.com/i/?of5uqt14ti6nfq2
I would attach it but the attacher thing doesn’t work.
And yes, I do believe the ark exists.
I agree with natholas about the rain. I don’t exactly see where you used the ivygen though…
And yes, the ark does exist.
Don’t try to say religious statement just to start a flamewar. Just because you are religious, doesn’t mean other people are and you shouldn’t try to change that.
Why shouldn’t I try to change it? I don’t want to start a flame war, but I do want to tell people I believe Jesus Christ is God and he died for everyone’s sins and they should believe him too.
But I see your point. That kind of statement could cause some argument. I shall edit it.
The rain does look pretty bad. I wish I could figure it out, but I’ll post a non-rainy version as requested.
Thanks for the compliment, Natholas. I had a lot of fun with it.
Oh, and the ivy…there’s some below the front of the ark. It’s not very noticeable, but everything counts, eh?
The rain looks a tad too opaque to me, you might want to make the drops thinner and smaller and have a lot more, the image also could use a little brightening up in some of the darker areas (like most of the ark interior itself)
However, you did a good job on the textures.
I personally believe in its existence as well (even though finding it depends on if it hadn’t turned to dust by now)
Thanks for the comments, Dragon. If I decide to fiddle with it more, I’ll try shrinking the raindrops. However, there seemed to be an error, where the drops in the distance weren’t blurred at all.
As well as the rain its self you really need puddles, droplets of water on stuff, and splashes as the droplets hit. Good work on the ark - very nicely built and textured.