The piazza

This is really just an HDRi test. Tell me how I can change the render to look more realistic please.

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that there are two shadows. Why’s this?

If you’re going for realism, you’ll have to use HDR lighting, not just a simple reflection. There are awesome things you can achive with HDR lighting, so I made a tut on it :stuck_out_tongue:

A simple rounded cube with HDR - no lamps:

Here’s what I got. Click to enlarge.

Do you want the blend? If you want advice and info, just reply.

Followed your suggestions.

Thoughts anyone?

Going full on with this little test. Added a simple little mug. Spoon next.

Personally i’ve never really looked into HDRI…after seeing this i might just have a little peek into the depths of this…
Also, looks pretty nice, but…shouldn’t this kindof be in the WIP section?

Added a few more things. Anyway to improve render besides the top of tea bag string would be nice.

BI 1hr, 35min.

Very cool, but the spoon needs a bit of curvature in the handle…

AHHHH! Why do random things happen. Can someone figure out why the scene is getting lighter?

And file
HDRi test-1.blend (456 KB)

EDIT: didn’t change anything but rendered. Even worse now.

I think this might be my final. Any last minute critiques before I submit it into my art teacher?

You might need to center the camera, making all the objects equally visible. If you do that, you might also rearrange the objects.

Actually… Well you’re right. Although I’m trying to go for a little more interesting composition. Also I’m lazy and I don’t feel like waiting around for around 5 hours for it to render and having to constantly monitor my computer because the fact that my computer is dumb. I might just crop it on one side a tiny bit.

The mug would be most difficult and awkward to try to hold. Maybe make the handle a bit more curvy.