what causes this triangle to appear on the model after i use the remesh on the model?
The picture on the right is after i use the remesh on the model
Welcome ,
well it’s remeshed… if it would be the same then there wouldn’t be done anything… and it seems to be this was an n-gon… if you just triangulate the faces in edit mode you can see where this edges come from (there you also can select beauty or shortest diagonal to choose ). You may just wana at some edges like so:
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thank so much for the help!
is there any other way to increase the poly count for sculpting other than remesh?
Mutliresolution (originally made for this, you can sculpt on mulitple levels of subdiv and does have somekind of low poly version; displacement savable; baking displacement between levels of subdiv possibile) or subdivision modifier with simple (not Catmull-Clark).
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