"The revenge of the fallen" aka BGE's massive come back

BGE may have been removed from 2.8 but is far from gone, it’s in the process of reinvention with its main developer back for a year to work in the new form of BGE , a part of which is the interactive mode.


This thread is dedicated to bringing all the info about the new BGE that will take over the entire Blender source code.

Real time rendering

Every game engine need a very good real time render engine and Blender 2.8 comes with Eevee a very powerful new render engine.

Animation nodes

Animation nodes is a very popular addon that specializes in procedural generation of animations , a very fundamental requirement of any game engine, via the usage of nodes. The original author of the addon is working with the Blender dev team on a new addon like prototype which will be converted to Blender source code and integrated for better performance. The following video gives a demo also of the new interactive mode. This is an extension to “everything nodes” initiative of the Blender dev team an effort expose entire functionality of blender to nodes.

Too early to be released in 2.8 animation nodes will be included in one of the following releases of Blender. A personal estimate is probably 2.83 or 2.84.

Scripting / Logic

The Python API offers already complete access to all the basic user functionality and goes even deeper to some of the Blender internals. It also capable of exposing any feature new or default to nodes, creating custom nodes that can perform any kind of operation.


Blender already comes with a pretty solid physics engine both rigid and softbody, including smoke and fluids. Bundled with an excellent particle system.

Cinematics editor

Blender already with its own video editor, Animations nodes will also make it possible to direct real time cinematics.

Post-processing effects

Who does not like a good old-fashioned lens flare, if you dont that ok, Blender’s Compositor has covered you too with its very powerful node system. Will put the final touch to yout renders, games and interactive demos.


my only gripe here is I still don’t see good light baking methods,
(lightFields) - and the render engine eevee itself is not tailored to game development,
(it’s meant to be interactive atm not realtime / 90 fps)

but I am excited to see the new engine !!

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I updated the first post with the latest video on animations nodes just released on youtube blender’s channel.

I will use the first post as a wiki for the new BGE. Which means I will update the first post instead of creating new replies to this thread.

I think it’s a good idea to have a thread to keep track of the interactive mode development. I… just don’t like the title of this thread, haha. Should be to the point, “official” sounding like the other threads. Maybe something like “Blender 2.8 Interactive Mode discussion (AKA new BGE)”

This is excellent news - go Benoit!

Thanks again Benoit Bolsee, and good luck for this wonderful project :slight_smile: I’ll try to enter in contact with you and other devs/volounteers soon to get infos / begin to contribute if I can be of any help. See you soon! youle.