The Scientific Method Episode 1

More of a proof of concept than anything.

33 seconds long, all done in blender and audacity, put together in virtualdub.

divx5 version

if that one doesnt work for you, try this one

if that one doesnt work either, its because im a goober and dont know how to convert things to divx.

so heres the mpeg4 version featuring the lovely mpeg4 compression artifacts we know and love.

now that ive learned my lessons, the next episode should turn out much better!

be kind, ive only been using blender for three weeks.

HAHAHA!!! That’s awesome!

I’ve been using Blender for a year now, and I still don’t know how to do character animation! I suppose I should learn, but I’m too lazy. Motivated, aren’t I? :stuck_out_tongue:

it is greee-eeeaaat!
I hope to see what happens next!

I love the voice… and the… simplesimple idea.


The voice is mine using a pc microphone covered by a sock =)

i already have the concept and art drawn for the next episode, just have to start making the objects. i guess the theme of “the scientific method” is the stick figure getting himself and others into problems in his laboratory. hopefully the next episode will actually have a lab environment! its all inspired by real life stuff since i work in a lab.

Very nice. good concept, has the promise for a very nice serie of episodes. good work.

looking forward to the next episode


Excellent. Very nice. 3 weeks with Blender? Please tell me that you had prior experience w/ a different animation package?


ive never done 3d animation before. but when i say 3 weeks, i mean ive pretty much done nothing for 3 weeks but study blender and work. i have a bad habit of diving into something and ignoring everything else. sort of a hobby tunnel vision. i havnt touched my music or played any games for weeks. and my poor hamster is probably feeling neglected as well. i think im too easily amused =).

weedwacker: that enhances further my admiration for your work. Did I mention I liked the story too?

As they say on this board, keep them coming!

