Small update script.
Now all dimensions are automatically added to one group - Dimensions.
So it will be easier to select all dimensions and we can add them to the exception for Freestyle
nice! thanks a lot
Small update script.
Now correctly displayed angles (when rendering).
Correctly filled in.
Also added alignment relative to the camera.
Applied when adding notes.
Hi cwolf3d,
after a long time offline, I just tried to use your dimension addon ; unfortunately I can’t get it to work properly anymore. I mean let’s consider the default cube, I select two vertices in edit mode, then switch back to object mode. Add>Curve>Dimension results in a quotation that is not fitting with the selected vertices (2 units wide, in the xOy plan).
Should I downgrade my working version of Blender (currently 2.70) ?
Sorry for the noise in case it’s just a matter of that…
Bye !
Fear my latest post got lost somewhere in the pipes…
After a long time offline I just tested the last version of your script. Unfortunately I can’t get it to work properly anymore; I mean let’s consider the default cube, select two vertices in edit mode, then switch to object mode. Add>Curve>Dimension does not give a dimension line fiiting with the formerly selected vertices (only a 2 units dimension within the xOy plan). What did I do wrong ? I currently work with Blender2.72, should I downgrade ?
Downgrade is not necessary. The script is working.
The simple addition of the dimension of the menu item Add> Curve> Dimension not count the selected vertices.
To put the dimension according to the selected points for that added special button on the Object panel.
Thanks for replying so fast cwolf3d! works like a charm now…
Спасибо автору!
Updating of the script.
Added field select the units of measurement in CAD design.
Refactoring script. Added by binding to the parent.
Useful add-on, thx for it! Sometime it is better to add dimensions in blender instead of exporting dxf to draftsight, I have used the add-on many times.
I have a question - how can I affect the direction of arrow type “serif1”? I don’t know how it works, one time it is /----/ another time ----\ and I have to mirror it.
And I also have feature requests:
- to have an option to set dimension offset from measured object
- to have an option to choose the units but without displaying the unit description (instead of “1000mm” just only “1000”).
And an example of my recent work where I used the add-on. I used also svg freestyle exporter add-on + inkscape so at the end I had pdf files which consisted completely from vectors.
this one is projection of front desk/reception:
I am having a lot of trouble figuring this addon out. On a cone, I pick two vertices and it seams to ignore those and goes by something else. Also I scaled the default begining box and put a dimension on it and it thought it was 2 still. ALso I tried to diminsion 2 vertices on a cone that I had selected 2 verticies on and it desided to dimension the box. So I am having trouble telling the program what object I am trying to dimension. I am also very in the dark about how to use this program. The program seams to be ignoring the vertices
I am selecting 2 vertices then I am going to object mode then I add then I go to curve and then under Curve their is dimension. What am I doing wrong and are there any videos out there that might show me how to use this program. ?
A short video made quick:
Very usefull. Thanks
Update script.
Add option to set dimension offset from measured object and add option to choose the units but without displaying the unit description.
Now script work in blender 2.78.
is there a short video showing how to add an angle in front view !
either for a right or left angle !
for angle how what verts do you select ?
nice script
happy bl
@cwolf3d, currently working on archipack, i wonder if we are able to make mesures build by your (by the way excellent) script “dxf” exportables ?
Also looking for a solution to “solidify” measures i do currently draw on screen via opengl.
What about an archipack integration ?
Could you help with contrib to make this possible ?
Feel free to find archipack here:
Best regards, stephen-l
Thank you all for your interest in the add-on and your feedback. There are many things that can be improved in the add-on. Measurement of angles, binding and updating of dimensions after changing measuring points, global updating of parameters for all already specified sizes, etc. I constantly use addon and see what needs to be improved. I’ll try to allocate a little time in the chart and do it. Thanks again.
For help, you can add dimensions via the python via the command:
bpy.ops.curve.dimension (Dimension_Change = False, Dimension_Type = ‘Linear-1’, Dimension_width_or_location = ‘location’, Dimension_startlocation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Dimension_endlocation = (5.0, 5.0, 5.0), Dimension_liberty = ‘3D’)
Update addon to Blender 2.8
You can add dimension in the context menu in object mode.
The script can be taken at: