The Secret Plan (WIP)

Hello there fellow blender users, since ludum dare was last weekend I decided I would post my entry here!

The title of my game is “The Secret Plan” i made it for the 48 hour competition, and although I didn’t get it finished, what I did get done turned out pretty well, so I plan t finish it and add all the missing features, and levels I had planned.

“The Secret Plan” is a first person gallery shooter, that has 8 levels planned, each level with a task you must complete. I currently only have 2 playable levels, that I’m likely going to change. But if you so wish to, you can play what I have done for Ludum Dare here: and if you don’t mind you can give it a vote;)

There is a story, but its really not that detailed yet, its more of just a list of tasks you need to complete, and goes as follows:

-Become notorious
-Kidnap a scientist
-Steal Uranium
-Steal Rocket fuel
-Destroy Earths early defense systems
-Defend your super weapon from asteroids
-Defend your super weapon from the remains of earths defenses
-Escape… the End?

I hope to expand on this to give it a better, more in depth story.

Screen shot:

What I hope to add:
-The rest of the levels
-Accuracy System
-kick back, recoil, sway on the gun
-and much more!

Hopefully I’ll have the whole game done before January 7th, if I don’t… you have my permission to yell at me;)

Anyways updates soon!