The Shattered

Hallo everybody,
This is my another finished project. I did it because got bored (for now) with my ongoing projects, and need some refreshment.
I know that my models need more work on materials so I did my best this time.
Images are on because when I put them as attachmend on blenderartist forum quality drops dramaticaly.
Other problem is: Rendering time is avrg: !!!4h!!!
Please feel free to submit C&C.

And the next step : work a little more on the light setting :wink:
Not sure what this is supposed to be, a broken scorpio pendant?
My favorite part here is the chain, nice modeling and good texture. (maybe it’s a simple one but it looks good)
But the light is a little too dull to really “bring life” to the other materials :frowning:

Thanks for your advice. I’m realy proud of that picture. It take some effort to get it to that stage. I see what I can do with the material. About the chain: it is very simple mesh with 1lvl subsurf. there is no texture just simple blender material.

Yes it’s broken scorpio pedant:D isn’t that obvious. I was thinking about that project as finished but maybe I will think that over again and move to FC.