The sick girl


so i finaly finished the animation " the sick girl " and i just uploaded it,
its not the best short ever, and i am not that good at sound tracks
so her it is .

this are some scenes of the short,
it talks about a sick girl who is looking for a healing place,
the animation was inspired from a book of a german author “sigrid hunke” from her book
Allahs Sonne uberdem Abendland or "The Sun of Allah Shines over the West

everything was made in blender by the help of krita
more renders

i hope you like it
C&C are welcome
for more
[email protected]


Nice work…:ok_hand:

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thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Beautiful. Grease pencil if coming into it’s own.

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thank you so much !!
are thy going to make it a standalon app ?

I - have no idea. I keep thinking it would bew a good idea to do that with the VSE as well… a bit less important now that DaVinci Resolve exists, but if you’re on a low-powered machine, I still think Blender would be a better bet.

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yeah, my low pc is stoping me from trying other solutions !!!

But not stopping from coming up with some very nice 2D animation.

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ideas came flaying to you when your hand gets tiedup, to find beter ways easy ways to do something !!!
or at least thats how i see it :slight_smile: