The slow undo is apparently a priority for developers

Hi, I don´t use undo mostly I use delete. :wink:
@wonderland78, it is some truth in the post of @kkar or he wrote with more subtile sarcastic as you.
I am curious how many letters or technical drawings you do with ink?
There was no undo, only blades to scratch your error away.
And other professional saw this, uuuuh. :rofl:
</old times mode>
Anyway, if a feature is in a software it should work and not hinder the user.

Cheers, mib

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“Art calls for complete mastery of techniques, developed by reflection within the soul.”
A quote of the greatest modeler(of his own body) lived on the face of earth - Bruce Lee

It’s an issue with pretty much every scene. On a moderately small project I am working on at the moment (simple models, some animation…) undo takes between one and two seconds and that’s already far too long. I am making heavy use of collection instancing. I could also split my scene into several chunks/scenes, but that would hinder my work some, so I’m not doing that. Maybe if undo took ten seconds then I would think about it.


I can’t tell if you’re joking or actually serious.

Wow. I’m impressed. You win the Most Arrogant Commenter on Blenderartists today. Congratulations.


Lightwave users are used to not using undos :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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There is this task about blender undo

There is also this proposal to have edit mode undo per object and global undo. Maby a ctrl+z and a separate undo menu could be cool

I was recently looking at blender guru proposal
First, i have to say, most of what he was proposing is sort of more or less added to current 2.8
Second, the menu for undo is a good idea i think.
Curently you have to open edit->undo history, and there is not mutch functionnality.
Something between the photoshop history windows, and the zbrush slidebar for the history could be cool to implement once the undo is optimised.

OP, are you saying the guy’s company is actively working on fixing the undo problem? Do you know if they’re working with Blender developers so the efforts are complementary with main Blender development?

yes that’s exactly what I’m saying. As far as what the guy said. Like for example he said that they noticed that adding, I think it was, motion blur to an animation frame took X hours and it was too slow so they fixed a bug that was making it slower than was reasonable and got the render time to about a 6th or something. And then those changes go back to the source code.