The Smiley Face Murders: BG Contest Entry

…You have heard about the murders…
…But have you seen it?..
…The Smiley comes for you next…


Hey guys! Its me, Blenderjunkie, back from the depths of my computer. I think I have had over 5 ideas for this contest, and this is the one I’m going for. Here is the first update. I know that I need to light it better, texture it better, and model some more stuff. But any other critiques?

There ya go!

A newer, better version is rendering. I improved the lighting and made a new gun. The stick guy getting shot needs to be edited some more.

I gonna make an animation of it all. I’m working on a main character, Isabella. I’m trying to find the right style for the head in Stick world. Any help?

SOmething like this, maybe:,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNFVrbEPJTaga9KTXbHxSX07lyX1wg&ust=1401327723383374

This my friend is a fail

I’m thinking she’s gonna be like trinity from the matrix. I want her to have facial expression and detail.

Scroll down the page till you see that blue guy. I want the characters to have facial like dat.

I think maybe I will go back to blender internal and use freestyle for rendering. I think just circle faces with personalities will be great.