the snog [more stuff on page 5]

hey everyone!
long time, no see :smiley:
i was all busy with school.
just made a little blender piece today.

a wireframe render:

have fun! 8)

O_O amazing! crazy!

wow amazingā€¦ like always
.::However::. it would look cooler with a trail of slime or something on the ground

Question: was the background Blended or was it a picture?

Totally awesome. Only problem is the shadows arenā€™t strong enough, as I told you on IRC.

Great! nothing to crit from me. Youā€™re ability with blender is amazing!!


Amazing work, @ndy, very artistic. Edit: By the way, did you model the character in that pose, or is he rigged?

Yeah, you just made it today :smiley:
Amazing, itā€™s great to see how you progress.

Jawdrops Thats with blenderā€¦Tutorial! Please!!!Yes it seems annoying and selfishā€¦but its amazingā€¦

WoWā€¦this is cool
nice materials nice eyes, nice environment, nice everything, no not a single crit for meā€¦ :-?
very good work m8 :wink:

totally WICKED !!


is that Blender :o :o ???

Oh my freaking gawd :o

My jaw just dropped onto the floor.
Youā€™re a modelling god, and you know your
Blender as well. :smiley:

Now I am asking for a tutorial too!
(Bows in honor)

Thats just wild man, I am SO impressed.

pictures like this makes me go to bury myself in bed forever.

Its awesome. Totally.

I dont know what to say. Oh wait i do have something to say.

Iā€™m seriously not going to sleep tonight
after this imageā€¦

Come on manā€¦did you really make EVERYTHING
with the standard Blender 2.33 in that image?

Please answer, or at least give us some clues.
Pretty please! (begs)

Your mapping is INSANE. I canā€™t even imagine
how you could just ā€œslapā€ something like that
together so quickly with that
intense attention to detailā€¦manā€¦creases
hereā€¦and creases hereā€¦

Not to mention the translucensy on the earā€¦

Iā€™m not speechlessā€¦Iā€™m on a SPEECH rageā€¦
Please PLEASE give us some more information.


Stunning work, well done.

I am in awe of your work, sir. That is simply amazing. :o

@ndy itā€™s so good to see new work from you!
Absolutely amazing render.


WOW!!! Very good, very good, incredable texturing and modeling. NICE WORK :stuck_out_tongue:

Great work

cool its on
that was pretty fast