The Space Traveler

Ok, guy’s I’ve started a small project, this is “The Space Traveler”. As you can tell he’s some sorta alien.

The SSS is vertex painted, I’m going to be using the 3d painter to paint textures on him and probably use it to do a new SSS map that will actually react to light. One of the big problems I’m haveing is with his eyes, they’re dark and I don’t know why, I have AO on 16 and transshadow on and I don’t know how I can get a combo of both, also I’d like to know if there are any good eye textures out their, I want to use a bitmap, just cause. I needs lotsa helps.

C&C are more than welcomed.


I really, really, really need help with UV unwrapping this sucker. he’s high poly and none of the projectors are working right. I could post the blend if any of ya’ll wanna have a whack at it.
Please help.

The modeling looks great, but the skin almost looks like polished porcelain to me. Sorry I can’t help with your UV unwrapping woes…

Hey a comment! Finnally!
Yeah, the skin is a bit off, but it’s just a temporary shader. I think I’m going to remake him. He was made from a base mesh the consited of one box extruded in like three different directions. So I guess I’ll make a base mesh with a bit more detail.

Hi JB. Nice alien. On the subject of ‘Eye’ texturing, they don’t get much better than this, by Kris Costa. It’s for photoshop, but should be adaptable for gimp or whatever. It’s what I used to make the eye I used in my sub-div head model (scroll to bottom for latest).

Regarding the UV’ing, there must be tuts out there - have you tried the blenderwiki?

i like the alien, but yes the skin does look a bit weird… id personally give him somehting like a rubber skin lol… just to emphasize that hes an alien
