Does any body have a clue how to model the new adidas football, the Teamgeist:
I am a newbie to blender, and I will appreciate any advice on how to model such a geometric form.
Does any body have a clue how to model the new adidas football, the Teamgeist:
I am a newbie to blender, and I will appreciate any advice on how to model such a geometric form.
Sphere with texture?
Try Greybeard’s video tutorial on modeling a volleyball. You should be able to modify the technique for this soccer ball. Actually if you are new to Blender view all the tutorials, especially the Interface and Viewport videos at http://www.ibiblio.org/bvidtute/
Thanks for the fast reply.
Robin, is it possible to take a photo of the ball and use it as texture on the ball (At least on half of it)? I tried it, but it ends up distorted.
Is there a way to prepare an image for texturing a sphere?
Thanks CD38 for the links, I will have a look.
you need to get a flat image of the text for the UV mapping to work…that might be tough
Yes a flat image is best but look at this tut. This tut uses 2 round image of earth to make a earth out of a icosphere. You may need to try and find a pic of the other half of the soccer ball. (though you may be able to copy and alter the pic to make up the other half)
I made a quick ball using an image from the website in your post:
Here’s the blend file: http://rapidshare.de/files/19022939/teamgeist.blend.html
It has color and bump maps.
Whats a bump map?
out of all the uploaders why rapid share it sucks
Thanks Duhast, for the model and explanation