The Teeth Monster

I don’t even know how to describe this one but, yea.

I can imagine things like this very easily.

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Your scenes so far look like a start to something, but one of the key things missing here is patience.

In the vast majority of cases when using a DCC app. it takes more than a few hours to create something polished from scratch. The three images you have so far would work as doodles, now we need the next step which is taking one of those scenes and turning it into a fully detailed image.

What is the image about, where does the image take place, what is your vision as to what will be in it from foreground to background?

I have gone through a similar stage early on where I was excited about the possibilities of 3D and banging out images, not wanting to work on one for too long. Wonders can emerge once one discovers how to sit down and really follow through on an idea until it is realized.

Thank you I will try to use that for my next one