the Thinker

well here’s one afternoon’s work… i plan on making the fingers longer… more like tenicles…

the grass could use some roughness, it looks kind of bristle-y

well, due to my inexperience regarding the particle system, i i simply combed the hair to try and get a rougher feel… and added a tree stump… oh, and i did a bit more sculpting of the character but, at this resolution, it doesn’t really show up…

I think you have to have child particles activated to use roughness and clumping. if you use them, decrease your particle count a bit first. I like the stump.

ah i see, thank you. well here’s another render along with a screenshot displaying my child settings…

Looks suberb. However, lighting can be improved (in order to add more contrast and the details become more noticeable: A strong area light as a back light, and 2 more distant and soft area lights in the front usually works for me). As for the particles, just mess with the randomness/clump sliders in the the children tab, and with the forces (brownian motion and dampness), which are located about midway through the particles section.
BTW, the character rig looks neat.

haha, lighting is not my strong suit… well actually i’ve never even thought about it… soo… here’s the result of your suggestion (unfortunately my implementation is, no doubt, a tad off)… hmm… two afternoons… this is probably the longest i’ve ever stayed with a project…

It has improved quite a lot. However, I highly recomend seeing this:
It was on’s tutorials page, in the lighting section.

wow, thanks for the heads up, shamwari. i shall begin experimentation as soon as my cpu dips to a more respectable temperature…

well, i only realised after the render had finished that i’d forgot to include the layer with the rest of the flower (stem, leaves etc.) buuut… seeing as it took 37 minutes and i need some sleep, it’ll stay that way for now… oh, and i had to reduce the number of particles and do a lot of other tweaking just so that my pc wouldn’t crash… i need more RAM…

here’s a render with the stem and leaf… i think i’ll move this to focused critique now…