I was greatly inspired and affected by a work entitled, “Rage over Babel” by a member of www.maxforums.org, (for 3dsmax people only) his name is Zman. He’s been in animation for about seven years.
I think I saw his tower of babel pic. somewhere on CGsociety.
Your tower of babel is pretty basic, one texture, and it looks like you just plopped the mesh onto the ground, plus the back supports don’t look like they’re standing on anything, could benefit from AO. Landscape has artistic charm though.
This could look a lot better with a bit more work.
You’re definately right. I’ve heard that many times, and I agree. Thanks for the crit, man. I will go back when I have the time. I have very little of it to spare nowadays. (just for verification, see my recent posts in the traditional section.)
What CD said, only I’ll just add that I like the lighting.
it’s very phallic. ( art student joke )
Why’re there two?
Yes, I was stupid for putting two buildings there. Zman told me right after that Babel was a human triumph …a feat…a magestical archetectual conquest against time, that took years to complete. He asked me why on earth would they just duplicate it a few miles away? It’s cheap.
And yes, very phallic.
Close, but not quite.