Hey Guys! This is a model of the Tower of The Americas in San Antonio, Texas. This was made in Blender 2.73a. Please let me know what you think about it on this site, or on my blog@ blendsimple.tk. Thanks!
It looks like a WIP as of now, as the entire top structure seems to be of one material and the shading is rather basic.
Put some glass panes in and break out some textures, I would also change the perspective the sky background a bit as it looks like you’re looking straight up when you’re not.
I’ve been up that tower before, a pretty good view of the parks in front of it can be had.
I would agree, it looks fine if it was a background object in a low res game or something, but as a showcase object it needs more detail and shading.
Thanks guys for your feedback! I’m just starting out, so its nice to get some advice!
No problem, I am new as well, and hearing my daughter say my mesh character looks creepy isn’t exactly constructive criticism, so I enjoy places like this, so I can really find out what I’m doing wrong and what I need to do to improve.