The tower (update, second image: see post 4)

Started with just placing window pieces in the shape of a tower, and just evolved from there. Made on and off over 2 days, towers quickly made by modeling a section or 2 and duplicated, rotated, and placed them in their respective positions.

Dude, that’s pretty awesome, right there. I mean, the concept and model are both pretty simple, but the execution is nice. The lighting and angle and what-not.

Hey! Nice image, I like the image on the building in the BG a lot, one crit, mabe make the main building a different color? it gets lost to me.


Update, a variation on the first image
Added some new towers in the background, changed the sky, made the angle of the light steeper and made it an area light, and added mist.

whoa much better…you’ve earned yourself 4 stars from me…keep it up!

That’s actually pretty good CD. I can see your progression in skill through your artwork. I wonder what’s next = )