'The Video Sequence Editor Reworked' - download and feedback here

Unfortunately, I do not have any more time to put into the VSE Reworked Project, and I do not know how to submit patches to Blender, so I’ve written to the maintainer of the VSE and suggested that he or anyone else can use the code if it is found to be useful.

It includes 23 new functions, 15 existing functions added to the menus, a full reworking of the menus and also a reworking of the VSE panels into 2.80 style.

View Menu:

Select Menu:



Edit Menu:

A lack of time is understandable, but this is much less so. There’s a whole section of the developer wiki that covers this kind of stuff (short version: do a git diff against master—or a series of diffs if there are a lot of changes—and submit it on developer.blender.org).

Thank you. I’m a filmmaker by profession( https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0283844/?ref_=tt_ov_dr ) and not a coder. I was hoping that this project could become a community project, but except @Snu no one stepped up to help out. Not being a coder this project really needs someone to run through the code and make sure that it aligns with professional coding styles and methods compatible with Blender coding style. Or else I fear that if I eventually managed to figure out how to commit the code I would get caught in a limbo where the Blender devs would have requests, I simply wouldn’t understand a word of(not having any formal training in coding(ex. look at my attempt to get help in the b3d #python chat)).
Or in other words, I’ve taken this as far as I could with my very limited coding skills(and time), and if this project should actually make it into Blender, someone else will have to do it. I’m sorry. But hopefully, this project shows how far you can get with improving the VSE just by coding in python. There are some really good VSE add-on coders out there. If only they spend their time on improving the built-in python files, huge UX improvements could be added to the VSE quite swiftly.


Amazing work and effort…
BF talks & talks and promises a lot, but really doesn’t care about outsider’s creations unless it’s done to the point where it can just be consumed. Alike AtaDesk :baby_bottle::upside_down_face: