šŸš The Wages of Fear 2024 (ft Benuts)

Excited to share some shots I worked on at benuts! This project involved integrating 3D helicopters into multiple scenes, ensuring a realistic rendering and seamless compositing with live-action footage.

:point_right: Iā€™m available for collaboration on new projects. Feel free to reach out!

:computer: Technical Workflow:

ā€¢ 3D tracking completed with 3DEqualizer .

ā€¢ Shading, lighting, and rendering done in Blender for some shots, and Maya for others.

ā€¢ Helicopter rotor control managed directly in Nuke using technical passes.

:art: My Role:

I was responsible for tracking, shading, lighting, and rendering on the shots assigned to me.

:sparkles: Shot completed at benuts

:busts_in_silhouette: Team: Mathieu Wuytens (Animator)