"THE WALL" (*Nudity*)

An image I rendered for an AP Studio assignment, “Wall,” which, in my opinion is the dumbest assignment EVER, but oh well!
I don’t know if using other people’s artwork and photographs is exactly LEGAL, but I’m not selling it, or plan to either.

…So maybe you’ve figured the symbolism out. But keep it quiet, don’t ruin it for everybody else! :wink:

comments allowed! …Anybody?!

hmm… dunno what to say about it…doesen’t seem quite hard to make…the man in the bottom needs shadow, and I can’t see the symbolism in the image… :wink: but anyway, i like it :slight_smile: 3 stars hehe

Hmm. Pictures old paintings, naked chicks and uncle sam. I wouldn’t honestly know what it was symbolic of, and you probably didn’t need to do this in blender. Using photoshop’s perspective tool would work just as well on an image collage.

bah, you should make that guy masturbate. But yah, i think you should make something more, erm, complicated

yeah, it doesn’t really show us any of your talent… just that of the artists who made the paintings/artwork.

Actually, it doesn’t look like the guy was made in blender either.

why not? I mean, He modelled it and made it black with shadless enabled?

Nope, still doesn’t look like it, something about the shape, and the funny in-tapers at the elbows, it looks like it was done with a vector art tool.

You might have not noticed this, but blender does allow you to draw beziers.

Additionally, polygonal modeling is vectors. Vectors refers to geometrical primitives being used not just the cubic beziers adobe uses.

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You know I’m not attacking actually attacking the picture. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m just stating an opinion, it doesn’t matter to me whether it was done in blender or not.

Also, I still don’t think it looks like it was part of the 3d scene.

If you would work a litle harder, You could make picture frames in 3d and also inprove the lighning :rolleyes:

I understand what blackboe is saying…it doesn’t seem like the guy was made in Blender…at all. But I could be wrong as this is not uncommon. I would say great job to the symbolism and the overall artwork but I do think everyone above is right…it doesn’t look like it took TOO much time away from you to create this. I guess everyone is kinda harping because it’s not something that you actually CRAFTED…it’ looks like…something you took two seconds to think of and 1 second to make. But please don’t mistake this statement to mean that it’s ugly because it’s not, and you did a great job in your idea; it just looks like it could have easily been made with any other program that’s all. But more power too you and keep thinking creatively!

What on earth does it symbolize?


Trak Wrecka: Hah. Well, I certainly won’t take your word for it, because you apparently think that a badly drawn picture of Calvin peeing on something is a great piece of fine art.

yep whats wrong wit pissing…everybody does…and speaking of avatars where is yours…

whoever said that your avatar is supposed to be a ‘great piece of fine art’?
as for the picture, its hard to comment. i think a bit more detail and effort would be nice. afterall, doing something in blender that you could really easily do in photoshop sort of defeats the purpose no? put blender to use, right now i dont see anything to comment on and i dont feel like trying to interpret it right now.

actually, there is one thing: the dark little man could use a shadow. but thats only if youre aiming for realism and in that case the floor and wall could use some texturing. the lightings too flat, it takes a while to find the man in the picture and if it is a 3-dimensional man in a 3-dimensional room, then the perspective is wrong because the man is fore shortened.