I’ve already posted a thread about my current movie project, and even if I didn’t get lots of answers, i still wanna show you what I’ve done so far …
We are 3, and we have got about 3 full time weeks to finish it …
Here is where we are :
The hero : a sheriff that may be back after have been killed …
I’m sorry if there are too much pics, but I wanted you to have something to crit (now, you have a lot)
I’m well aware of some problems like material of the boots for example, but i would like to tell me all that you’ve got : any crit, suggestion, tip, help is welcome…
There is still a lot of work (rigging the characters for example, because only one has been rigged) but I think we’re gonna make it …
Thank you for reading my post, i hope you understood my English (probably harder than making a movie with blender)
It seems like they are too long on every character. I also remarked this thin line between both halfes of the faces. This comes probably from the mirror modelling!? Also you need more colours for the eyes ( but i think you are working on that anyways)
Focus : that’s the best compliment i would ever have asked for … Thank you very much !
Bib_thebuilder : Ok, i’m gonna shorten the character’s arms … About the line in the middle of the face, yes i’m aware of it, and it will be corrected as soon as i will join the 2 parts …
It looks like the church is on a slightly smaller scale than the rest of the buildings. The character had more personality than i ever could have made in blender. The sherrif probably need a cowboy hat or somthing Good work here.
Thank you all for having taken the time to read my thread and post a comment…
–> shadowbane : actually, the eyes are not mine, i’ve “stolen” them on the internet (don’t remember their name) so that i could have renders of my character’s heads with eyes. But i’m going to adapt them soon…
–> Marsan : About the church, you may be right … Something was bothering me and I didn’t know what … Also, thanks for such a great compliment…
Coming soon : rigged and corrected characters (the hard and boring part), inside the barber shop, and a bigger city (with a farm, a cemetery, and more buildings).
This is a small detail but the sky in one of the town pics has contrails(clouds caused by jets) showing so if this is supposed to be historical I would use a different picture for the sky. I like the style of the characters but the weird lighting on the faces should be fixed up. keep it up it looks like you already done allot of work.
–> shr1k : ok, you got me … But it’s the nicest background pic we’ve found… We’re gonna try to photoshop it, but it will stay as it is if we don’t have time …
–>Jeepster : Don’t worry about that line, she will be soon removed …
Thank you all again for answering… I’m actually struggling for rigging the other characters without wasting too much time, that’s why i don’t post much pics …
By the way, i’ve got a little question : as i said before, i’ve “stolen” the eyeball i’m using… http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?p=780459
And this eyeball is animated… I could easily delete the shape keys, but i don’t know how to get rid of the animation of the colors …
Please help me !