The Western is back again...

Hi !

I’ve already posted a thread about my current movie project, and even if I didn’t get lots of answers, i still wanna show you what I’ve done so far …
We are 3, and we have got about 3 full time weeks to finish it …
Here is where we are :

The hero : a sheriff that may be back after have been killed …

A young gangster…

Inside the saloon :

The first character, most probably going to become the barman :

One of the 3 gangsters :

The city :

The big boss : Bill … (not really happy with him, but we’ve got to hurry)

I’m sorry if there are too much pics, but I wanted you to have something to crit (now, you have a lot)
I’m well aware of some problems like material of the boots for example, but i would like to tell me all that you’ve got : any crit, suggestion, tip, help is welcome…
There is still a lot of work (rigging the characters for example, because only one has been rigged) but I think we’re gonna make it …

Thank you for reading my post, i hope you understood my English (probably harder than making a movie with blender)

Fee free to discard this since your talent is better then mine.

When I first look at the pictures the arms seem a little long to me, but I could be wrong.

That’s the kind of comment i’m looking for !
But could you be more specific ? Is the arm lenght a problem for every character or just one ?

Love the style :slight_smile: keep it up!

It seems like they are too long on every character. I also remarked this thin line between both halfes of the faces. This comes probably from the mirror modelling!? Also you need more colours for the eyes ( but i think you are working on that anyways) :wink:

Focus : that’s the best compliment i would ever have asked for … Thank you very much !

Bib_thebuilder : Ok, i’m gonna shorten the character’s arms … About the line in the middle of the face, yes i’m aware of it, and it will be corrected as soon as i will join the 2 parts …

Why do their eyes seem to glow? If it is not the lighting (or even if it is) it could be distracting in an anim.

Also the gangster’s eyes are too yellow. (the whits part, a little yellow is good but you over did it.)

Otherwise looks good.

It looks like the church is on a slightly smaller scale than the rest of the buildings. The character had more personality than i ever could have made in blender. The sherrif probably need a cowboy hat or somthing :slight_smile: Good work here.

Thank you all for having taken the time to read my thread and post a comment…

–> shadowbane : actually, the eyes are not mine, i’ve “stolen” them on the internet (don’t remember their name) so that i could have renders of my character’s heads with eyes. But i’m going to adapt them soon…

–> Marsan : About the church, you may be right … Something was bothering me and I didn’t know what … Also, thanks for such a great compliment…

Coming soon : rigged and corrected characters (the hard and boring part), inside the barber shop, and a bigger city (with a farm, a cemetery, and more buildings).

Bye !

This is a small detail but the sky in one of the town pics has contrails(clouds caused by jets) showing so if this is supposed to be historical I would use a different picture for the sky. I like the style of the characters but the weird lighting on the faces should be fixed up. keep it up it looks like you already done allot of work.

very nice work!
excellent modelling!
only problem i can see is the seams that run down the center of the face, but other than that, nicely done :smiley:

–> shr1k : ok, you got me … But it’s the nicest background pic we’ve found… We’re gonna try to photoshop it, but it will stay as it is if we don’t have time …

–>Jeepster : Don’t worry about that line, she will be soon removed …

Thank you all again for answering… I’m actually struggling for rigging the other characters without wasting too much time, that’s why i don’t post much pics …
By the way, i’ve got a little question : as i said before, i’ve “stolen” the eyeball i’m using…

And this eyeball is animated… I could easily delete the shape keys, but i don’t know how to get rid of the animation of the colors …
Please help me !

Thanks in advance …

Bye !