The Witch

I want to find out how much I know about making realistic portraits. The simple dynamic topology block in is done now I am creating the multi-res base mesh so I can really go to town on the details.

[Replaced the first post for an updated thumbnail]

Sculpting is very nice, the character had a powerfull look.
Maybe the chick bone is a bit too pushed toward the back.

Thanks, I adjusted the cheek bone hopefully it’s better now, I switched to mufti-res sculpting and using 2.74RC3 for SSAO, I don’t think I have ever pushed a dynamic topology sculpt to the point where I added detail.

I am still blocking out the big wrinkles and some other parts of the sculpt so everything at the moment is still symmetrical.

It now looks way better.

The hears are a bit too high and the back of the head should fall a little more down.
But, she’s looking really good anyway

Thanks, it is always good to have fresh eyes. I will make note of those suggestions and adjust accordingly.

Once retopo is done, just project your details using a shrink wrap modifier and your multiresolution modifier.
You may encounter some artifact on main creases but I usually do this and if your retopo is good it won’t be so long to recover all the details.

You can then paint the skin pores on a bump map.

I’ve posted a tutorial about that if it is needed… but I think you’ll handle this without :wink:

very very nice anatomy
wow can’t wait to see it finished!

Okay I moved the ears a bit down and started working on asymmetrical wrinkle detail.

Hi tyrant monkey

500 hundred bad drawings…obviously not so many bad sculpts :D, she is looking really good.


If I had to point something out, I’d say that the neck is a bit too long. Other than that, it looks nice. Good work!

@speed777777 don’t think the idea of a 500 bad sculpts didn’t cross my mind:evilgrin:, In the end the fact that I do about one sculpt every three to four months brought me back down to earth.

@teaLeaf thanks man, I have had the same impressions that I made the neck a little too long. At the moment I am sitting with a neck that is too long and a chest that is possibly too narrow. I will fix the neck and post.

Okay I reduced the length of the neck but I am not too sure about the width it feels a little narrow at times. I also tweaked the area around my eye sockets it didn’t feel right in 3/4 views and continued with breaking up more of the symmetry that was in the model.