The Witnesses: 2D with a twist

@LeighAH Ha haaa! Thanks man! :wink:

I really like the style. It beats photorealism any day in my book. In fact I will be using it as my desktop background for a few days, thank you :slight_smile:

I think it’s a cool style - and yes, it’s professional quality. This type of illustration has a lot of potential applications - your imagination is the only limitation. I could see it used to illustrate articles or books or greeting cards - or just stand on it’s own. It’s really up to what you’d want to do with it. Nice work! :slight_smile:

@dfelinto: Man I’m so glad you people like my illustration so much!
(I’m even a little proud! Yeah, I said it! :sunglasses: )

It looks good on your desktop too!

@JoeW: Thanks! Your words are very encouraging, especially about it looking pro! All of this makes me want to make more! :wink:

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nice work !!!

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@alf0 Thanks amigo!

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Wow, I really like this. I’ve been meaning to try making shadowboxes before but for some reason it never occurred to me to make them in blender.

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@Kirtai Thanks! :wink:

Now I feel like a pioneer of some sort! :sunglasses:

I’m really glad I did this project, it reconnected me with Blender and with the people of BlenderArtists… :+1: