ok well I dont know if this is the right place for this but I’m working on a game and i need a sortof low poly human charicter can some one make me one (dont wory I’ll give who ever helps me credit for it)
sorry for the bad spelling:o
ok well I dont know if this is the right place for this but I’m working on a game and i need a sortof low poly human charicter can some one make me one (dont wory I’ll give who ever helps me credit for it)
sorry for the bad spelling:o
is this an rpg…
Well this is the wrong forum and even though I have a problem with other people requesting stuff in such a blatant manor, I’m pretty sure Turin posted a Knight model in the resource forum. Use the search function…it’s magical.
| Sanguine |
no it not a rpg its more like a fable typ game
no w8 umm… ok ya nvm but if any one wants to help with the game just pm me or someting
I’ll help with modeling!
you could use some of my low poly characters here.:yes:
some of them are a little higher then low poly but you can sort put what you want!
montage studios has one as a free download.
ohh thnx blender167 these are grate
if you need info i’ll try my best to help.